Gardening with Colorado Native Plants
There are so many reasons to garden with native plants: they provide beauty through unique displays, create habitat and food for pollinators and wildlife, are easy to care for, and conserve water. Dave is an avid native plant gardener, and can provide training and resources about growing plants native to the Front Range of Colorado.
Links to resources and public programs:
Dave’s Native Plant Garden Photo Gallery - Inspiration for Your Native Landscape
(You never knew Xeriscape could look like this!)Dave’s Faves: A short list of my FAVORITE Front Range native plants for gardens
Intro Handout from Dave’s native plant gardening classes (2 pp PDF)
Pollinator Gardening with Native Plants: My Free Classes Offered May-June, Sept.-Oct.
Front Range Wild Ones Native Plant Tool Kit incl. How to Germinate Many Species
Free Water! Redirect natural rainfall to make a “Rain Garden!”
Colorado Native Plant Society Suggested Low-Water Native Plants for Pollinators

Want to learn more about pollinator friendly gardening with native plants?
Join Dave’s mailing list and be among the first to know about upcoming hikes and programs.