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Crazy Impromptu Last Minute Telescope Party
Tuesday March 25, 8:45 - 10:30 pm TOMORROW NIGHT
Weather and the moon just haven’t cooperated lately. But I really want to do a star party. And a window has appeared tomorrow night. If you are free, and want a fix of star shine, join me at Joder Ranch for a night with the telescopes and some planets, galaxies, a couple star clusters, nebulae, maybe some colorful double stars. Joder Ranch Trailhead. It's on Hwy 36 a few miles north of Boulder, just immediately north of where Neva Road joins from the east. the turnoff comes up fast and is easy to miss in the dark. I will have a sign out by the road with colorful blinky Christmas lights to help you spot the turn. Park in the lot - there are plenty of spaces, and use the horse trailer spots if you need to (there won't be any horses at night). There is a metal gate just to the west side of the parking lot. Walk through that and about 100 yards up the dirt road to find us with the telescopes. Map: https://bouldercolorado.gov/trailhead/joder-ranch
Birdwatching for Beginners
Sunday March 30, 10 am - noon
Many would-be birders are intimidated by identical little gray birds with similar names. Learn some easy tricks to tell them apart and also tips for picking the best binoculars and bird books. Meet at the Coalton Trailhead for an easy hike along Superior’s Greenway. Birders of all abilities welcome, but it’s primarily aimed at beginners. Bring binoculars and bird guides if you have them. Be prepared for possibly cold windy conditions and amazing sights. Sign up from the Superior Open Space web calendar here: https://secure.rec1.com/CO/superior-co/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTMzNTIyMTQ
Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Sunday April 6, 1 - 3 pm
All, including beginning birders and families, are invited to experience the fun and discovery of bird watching at Waneka Lake and the Greenlee Wildlife Preserve in Lafayette on the first Sunday of each month. Join Naturalist Dave Sutherland and other experienced bird watchers, who will be on hand to lead small observing groups and assist in the fun of spotting and identifying birds in their natural habitats. These events are free for everyone and don’t require a reservation - just show up. Groups meet at “The Shack,” the little nature center on the west side of Waneka Lake. You can park at the main lot, then stroll around the trail to the west to arrive at the meeting point.
Coexisting in the Wild: Lessons from Wolves, Big Cats, Bears, Etc.
Monday April 7, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Colorado’s wildlands are home to diverse wildlife, including wolves, mountain lions, black bears, moose and rattlesnakes - all of which you could encounter will exploring the outdoors. As part of a triple speaker feature, Naturalist Dave Sutherland will give a fun presentation on how to keep yourself and wildlife safe when you’re outside. Also speaking will be award-winning photographer Max Seigal, and animal ethics researcher Marc Beckoff. Join us for an evening of stories and insights from the Front Range and beyond about coexisting with wildlife and thriving with our natural world. This program will be at the Fjallraven store on Pearl Street Mall in Boulder and is free, but please sign up using this link:
Historic Roosa-Bock Cabin Open House!
Wednesday April 9, 10 am - 1 pm
For over a century, the mysterious little stone cabin has sat near Wood’s Quarry at the base of the Third Flatiron. Who built it and why? Who lived here? What’s on the inside? Join the cabin’s owner Regina Bock, and naturalist Dave Sutherland, for two historical “Open Houses” this spring to learn the answers (to the best of our knowledge) about this enigmatic little building and get a chance to see inside. No reservation necessary, just drop by between 10 am and 1 pm on the indicated days. See the map graphic (attached) for the cabin’s precise location, right on the Mesa Trail just a bit south of its junction with the Enchanted Mesa Trail. It’s about 1.5 miles one way from Chautauqua. There is no water, electricity or toilet at the cabin.
Creating Shared Spaces in the Garden
Saturday April 12, 1 – 2:30 pm
Hosted by Harlequin’s Gardens: There is a $25 Registration fee for this class
Veteran naturalist and native plant gardener Dave Sutherland will guide you to maximize your garden’s beauty while increasing benefits to the larger ecosystem. Dave will share his 35 years of experience growing native plants, as well as his insights and enthusiasm for inviting nature to buzz, sing, and wiggle in the garden. Plus, he will share some of his native plant seeds. Dave is an award-winning field naturalist, worked for years at Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks department. He managed the native plant garden in Chautauqua Park, and has given numerous talks, hikes, and seminars of wildlife gardening. More information and to reserve a space: https://harlequinsgardens.com/product/sat-april-12-creating-shared-spaces-in-the-garden-with-david-sutherland/
Historic Roosa-Bock Cabin Open House!
Sunday April 13, 10 am - 1 pm
For over a century, the mysterious little stone cabin has sat near Wood’s Quarry at the base of the Third Flatiron. Who built it and why? Who lived here? What’s on the inside? Join the cabin’s owner Regina Bock, and naturalist Dave Sutherland, for two historical “Open Houses” this spring to learn the answers (to the best of our knowledge) about this enigmatic little building and get a chance to see inside. No reservation necessary, just drop by between 10 am and 1 pm on the indicated days. See the map graphic (attached) for the cabin’s precise location, right on the Mesa Trail just a bit south of its junction with the Enchanted Mesa Trail. It’s about 1.5 miles one way from Chautauqua. There is no water, electricity or toilet at the cabin.
Wildflower Bonanza on Goshawk Ridge
Sunday April 27, 9 am – 1 pm RESERVATIONS OPEN Monday April 14 at 6 pm
The Goshawk Ridge trail winds through one of the most beautiful and pristine parts of our Open Space. Its pine forests and lush, wet meadows are thick with wildflowers and a haven for wildlife. At this time of year, we may see more Pasque flowers than you ever imagined in one place! Explore this trail with naturalist Dave Sutherland. Due to sensitivity of the habitat, space is limited to 15. 4 miles, 700’ elevation gain. This hike is sponsored by the City of Boulder's Cool Boulder program and is free.
Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Sunday May 4, 1 - 3 pm
All, including beginning birders and families, are invited to experience the fun and discovery of bird watching at Waneka Lake and the Greenlee Wildlife Preserve in Lafayette on the first Sunday of each month. Join Naturalist Dave Sutherland and other experienced bird watchers, who will be on hand to lead small observing groups and assist in the fun of spotting and identifying birds in their natural habitats. These events are free for everyone and don’t require a reservation - just show up. Groups meet at “The Shack,” the little nature center on the west side of Waneka Lake. You can park at the main lot, then stroll around the trail to the west to arrive at the meeting point.
WMBD Celebration in Lakewood CO (Bear Creek Lake Park)
Saturday May 10, 10 am - 2 pm
I’ll be at in Lakewood to celebrate all things bird! WMBD is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere on the second Saturday in May as birds return to their nesting sites for the summer. l’ll be at a table with Environment for the Americas, along with other Colorado organizations that work closely with bird conservation and education. There will be activities, crafts, and live birds! Stop by and learn about migratory birds here in Colorado and what you can do to protect them. More information here: https://www.lakewood.org/Government/Departments/Community-Resources/Parks-Forestry-and-Open-Space/Park-Programs-and-Events/Migratory-Bird-Day
WMBD Celebration in Superior CO (Purple Park)
Saturday May 17, 9 am - 1 pm
Join us in Superior for World Migratory Bird Day, hosted by the Open Space Advsory Committee! This year's theme is "Creating Bird-Friendly Cities and Communities." Enjoy interactive booths and activities, and learn how to advocate for bird-friendly practices and landscapes in our area. You can also join a bird walk with Naturalist Dave Sutherland and other bird nerds around Riverbend Pond to explore local bird species and their habitats. This event is free and will take place in Purple Park (1310 S. Pitkin Ave.) For more information, please visit https://www.superiorcolorado.gov/Community/Calendars/Events/2025-World-Migratory-Bird-Day
WMBD Celebration in Boulder CO (Walden Ponds)
Saturday May 17, Guided Bird Walk 7:30 am
Activities and Organization Tables 9 am - 1 pm
Join a fun-filled day celebrating the incredible journeys of migratory birds and learning how we can all make a difference for bird conservation. This year’s theme, "Shared Spaces: Building Bird-Friendly Cities and Communities," focuses on simple, actionable ways to protect birds—like sustainable urban planning, preventing collisions, reducing pollution, and conserving key habitats. There will be a special ceremony recognizing Boulder as an official Bird City by the Bird City Network; a live bird-of-prey showcase; guided bird walks (available in English and Spanish); bird identification games & hands-on activities for all ages. Educational stations will be hosted by amazing organizations like the Butterfly Pavilion, Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Boulder Audubon Society, Harlequin’s Gardens, and the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. For more information, please visit https://environmentamericas.org/event/world-migratory-bird-day-in-boulder/